About us

Know more about us

Due to the high availability of learning resources and easy availability of the internet, Students are getting confused day by day. We at HackersDaddy, Solve the confusion of students and make them feel the technology. We help four students to select the best technology and let them create a career in it. We support students to explore themselves and learn and quickly understand the most difficult technical topics. We strongly believe no subject is complicated. It's all a matter of the teacher. We at HackersDaddy maintain highly qualified faculties with real time experience. All our training cover full hands-on practice. We have a tie-up with different certification authorities So that certificates will help you to represent your knowledge

The Man Behind HackersDaddy

Pesaru Sandeep Reddy

We have made high-quality content a part of our routine. It's not only something we aim for; we live by this principle every day.


Founder & CEO - HackersDaddy